





Who wins in Ukraine?

28 Mar 2022

The whole situation is awful and depressing. Russia is making an aggressive, violent move, that has a chance of escalating in nuclear war. But why are they doing this?

Top premier league players of 2015

18 Jan 2016

The Guardian newspaper recently released its list of the Best 100 Footballers in the World. These players often have tremendous impact on games, capable of going against the run of the game and changing the result on their own. Strikers might make wonder shots, midfielders an incisive pass requiring tremendous vision, keepers a one-handed save. How much money does it cost each team in the Premier League to get one of these special players?

Automating the creation of posts in Jekyll

11 Jun 2014

I like to automate things that are a bit tedious. So, I’ve automated a slightly tedious thing and probably put more time into than will pay off. But perhaps it might help someone else.

The roots of Native American repression in the U.S.

22 May 2014

I completed a research paper on the issues of modern Native American Country and how those issues came to be. I’ve edited it to be more palatable, and the following article is the result.